We have decided that life is short............sooooo, we are going to take Fridays off! The only catch is, we will spend an hour cleaning/tidying [Cherry's groooooan, idea]We will use the day to do sport, music, games, and weeeeeeeeel, anything fun really Reduces burnout, and puts some of the zing and the ping back. I had this great idea off The Homeschool Lounge. [thanks Trisch]
Friday, 30 January 2009
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Get wisdom!
I have struggled a bit to keep up, but am still on track now. Angela has been teething and has needed a lot of extra care. Thankfully one of the teeth is just about through.
This week, I have read Genesis 37-49, Psalms 16-21, Proverbs 3:27-4:27, and Matthew 12:22-16:12.
I always like these chapters from Matthew, and I seem to glean something every time. One thing Jesus says, is to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Saducees. Basically legalism and skeptisism. Matt15:9 "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." We do not follow ritualistic ceremonial law any more, as Jesus paid the price for our sin by dying on the cross. In the old Testament, they didn't have this, so continually had to offer up sacrifice for sins.
There is a danger that as Christians, we can become legalistic, if we put an undue emphasis on things which are not the doctrines that are taught in the Bible. I have been guilty, and I guess truth be told, all of us may have leaned towards legalism. I have been accused of legalism, just because of our family size, and homeschooling! I think is is good to encourage others to homeschool, especially in todays climate, however we are not saved through our homeschooling!
Jesus pointed out, it is more important what is on the inside, than on the outside. Others will not know our thoughts, but God knows every thought we have. We are accountable to God, whether we are Christians or not. One day we will all give account to God, and if we do not have Jesus as our Lawyer, we will be guilty.
In proverbs, the main theme this week, has been wisdom. We need to seek wisdom. Not the wisdom of the world, but God's wisdom. We need to value God's wisdom like treasure. Too often now the world follows after different celebrities. They are fallible people, and people look up to them like gods. Idol worship certainly isn't dead! What a great thing to be able to worship the one true God, who is perfect. He will hear our prayers if we have truly repented and turned to Him.
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